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Груповий онлайн курс B2 Ілони Тригуб'як
Sova English
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Course program
Lesson 1 Present tenses. Speaking about autumn
Lesson 2. Past tenses. Jobs
Lesson 3. Future tenses. Unusual jobs
Lesson 4.Burnout /Future expressions
Lesson 5.Used to/Be used to/Get used to/Would and Talking about Habits
Lesson 6. Modals of obligation, necessity, advice, criticism, ability and possibility
Lesson 7. Modals of certainty, probability and possibility
Lesson 8. Passive voice/Stereotypes
Lesson 9.Passive voice 2/Feeling and emotions
Lesson 10. What multitasking does to your brain
Lesson 11. Zero and First Conditional
Lesson 12. Second and Third Conditional/Telling a lie
Lesson 13. Shopping online
Lesson 14. Black Friday /I wish and If only
Lesson 15. Skincare routine/Would rather/sooner/prefer/It´s time
Lesson 16. Health/Reported speech
Lesson 17. Creativity/Reported speech commands and questions
Lesson 18. The Dark Side of Self-Help / Gerund and Infinitive
Lesson 19. It´s never to late to live and act / Gerund and Infinitive
Lesson 20. Your brain on Music/ Compound nouns
Lesson 21. Bussiness expressions/Compound adjectives
Lesson 22. Pet Peevs/Relative clauses
Lesson 23. Is it okay to regift ? / Adjective meanings
Lesson 24. City living
Lesson 25.Participles/Friendship
Lesson 26. Tips for a gym/Articles
Lesson 27.Love languages/Prefixes 1
Lesson 28.Not fitting in
Lesson 29. New trands/Prefixes 2
Lesson 30