Verb TO BE (I, you)
to be (he, she. it)
To be quiz
Possessive adjectives, possessive `s
Wh- and How questions with be
Singular and plural nouns, a / an
This / that / these / those
Adjectives + Colours and common adjectives
Present Simple (positive and negative) I, you, we, they
Present Simple (questions) I, you, we, they
Present Simple (he, she, it)
Adverbs of frequency
Word order in questions: be and Present Simple
Imperatives, object pronouns: me, him
Can / can`t
Like / love / hate + verb + -ing
Present Continuous
There`s ... / there are some ...
Past Simple: be + In, on, at
Past Simple: regular verbs
Past Simple irregular verbs: get, go, have, do + Verb phrases with get, go, have, do
Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs
Giving directions